If you’re trying to migrate from WhatsApp to telegram, then perhaps it would be easy to transfer the chairs information to. So, the only question is How to How to Transfer WhatsApp Chats to Telegram?
If you are a regular user of telegram, then perhaps you know that it has tons of amazing new features compared to the rest of chatting applications such as WhatsApp, signal, messenger and more. Apparently transferring chairs from WhatsApp to telegram is one of those features. Now it does not matter whether those chats are private or group chats, you can use it to Transfer WhatsApp Chats to Telegram. The only question is How to use this features on your Android and iOS Smartphones.
How to Transfer WhatsApp Chats to Telegram?
Transfer Private Chats from WhatsApp to Telegram
Please keep in mind that if you’re trying to transfer a private chat from WhatsApp to telegram, first to make sure that the number is saved on your contact list. Then make sure that the person have a telegram account, once everything is ready follow the below steps to transfer your chat information from WhatsApp to telegram.
- Open WhatsApp, then open the chair that you want to transfer.
- tap on the three dots from the top corner and choose more.
- In the next panel tab on export chat, the moment you tapped on the export chat, if the chat has media in it, WhatsApp will warn you that including media files for export will increase its size. But the question for your is “Would you like to Transfer the media” too or no. If yes, tap on the Include Media, if no tap on the Without Media.
- After configuring the media settings, a menu will open where it is asking “Send chat via” there you have to select telegram.
- The moment telegram is selected, it is going to open telegram application. Now you have to find the contact of the person that you have exported from WhatsApp. Once you have selected, telegram will ask to import messages, all you have to do is tap on import and wait for it until the job is done.
Transfer Group Chats from WhatsApp to Telegram
Transferring a group chat from WhatsApp to telegram is even easier then transferring private chats.
- In any case you have to open the group chat in your WhatsApp.
- Tap on the three dots at the top right corner.
- Tap on more and then tap export chat.
- If the chat contains media files, WhatsApp is going to warn you that exporting media files will increase the chat size. In any case, you have to configure whether you want the media or no.
- After that, a sharing window will open where you have to select telegram.
- After selecting telegram it’s going to open the telegram application where it is giving you the option to create a new group or to import the chat into an existing group. If you create a new group, the same name of the group that you have exported from WhatsApp will be applied to the telegram. But you can change the name of the group if you want.
- Once everything is done, wait for it until the contents from WhatsApp should be transferred into the telegram.
Move chats from WhatsApp to Telegram on iPhone
If you’re an iPhone user, the steps to move Chat from WhatsApp to telegram are the same. It does not matter whether you are trying to transfer contacts from private chat or the group, the steps are all the same. Please keep in mind that before transferring a private chat from WhatsApp to telegram, make sure the person’s number is saved on your iPhone. And if you are trying to transfer contacts from WhatsApp group to telegram, during the transfer telegram is providing you the option to create a new group or import it into an existing group.
- Open WhatsApp on your iPhone.
- Tap the person name at the top or the group name.
- Scroll down and tap on export chat.
- A sharing panel will open where you have to select telegram.
- If you’re transferring a private chat, select that person on the telegram. If it is a group, telegram is going to provide you the option to create a new group or import it into an existing group.
- Once everything is done, tap on done and enjoy using WhatsApp chats on telegram.
This is by far the easiest way that you can use to export chats from WhatsApp to telegram and signal. I hope this article has been helpful for you and let me know if you have question in the comment section.
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