In this article, I’m going to show you top best 20 iOS 9.3.3 tweaks that you should know after Jailbreaking your device. Tweaks are the methods that you can use them to customize your device according to your wish. Now jailbreak becomes a common thing among the smartphone users. The majority of the people jailbreak their devices to have full access to the device. If you really want to jailbreak your device, just hit enter to the links down below.
In our earlier articles about iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak tweaks, we have explained the following tips and tricks. If you want to get more information, just click the links below.
Top Best 20 iOS 9.3.3 Tweaks
First, what you need is jailbreak your device. If you don’t know how to jailbreak, use the link above. Once you’ve jailbroken your device, you need to know some tweaks in order to use the jailbreak device. Otherwise, there is no need of jailbreaking the device. These are some common tweaks that you can use them after you jailbreak your device. Read the guide “top 20 iOS 9.3.3 tweaks” just down below.
#1. PokemonGoAnywhere
With PokemonGoAnywhere, you can install the latest version of tweaks and do a lot more cool things.

#2. Eclipse 3
Eclipse 3 is a tweak that you allow you to have a pretty awesome dark background on all your apps and settings. This is a really nice feature that is recommended for your guys.

Eclipse 3
#3. LockGlyph
This is a pretty nice touch id the seen on your device lock screen. When you use your fingerprint to unlock your device, then the touch id appears on the screen and have unlocked sound with itself. It has a really cool animation while you unlock your device.

Lock Glyph
#4. Cylinder
This tool will allow you to have various kind of animation while you are swapping through the device pages. There are hundreds of animation that you can use them.

#5. BioProtect
This tool allows the iPhone users to lock the individual application on iPhone device. By default, apple has not such application that protects your applications. So by this tweak, you’ll be able to lock the applications by BioProtect. The Jailbreakers are allowed to unlock the application by their touch ID.

#6. VirtualHome
By VirtualHome tweak, you’ll be able to tap on your home screen without pressing and holding your finger on the home button key to show the default home screen. Instead, you just tap on home screen then you’ll see the home screen.

#7. SwipeSelection
What this tweak can do for you? This essentially allows you to have the trackpad while you use “Notes” application on your iPhone device. This looks like the mouse on PC or MacBook.

#8. Auxo Legacy Edition
This tweak makes smooth the control center of your iOS device that looks pretty cool. Also, when you install this tool on your device via Cydia, the control center will appear into two or three pages.

Auxo Legacy Edition
#9. CCSettings
CCSettings is the tweak which you can customize control center of the device. This allows you to slide to control center.

#10. Snakebite
A very easy way to switch between an iPhone 6s and just do a 3D touch on the side of the iPhone. This will appear a menu that you can choose any app that you want to open.

#11. RevealNC 9
This tweak is used for iPhone notification animation. It allows you to use a small animation on your iPhone notification bar.

RevealNC 9
#12. StatusVol 2
When you down or low the volume of iPhone, the icon or the status appear in the middle of the screen which somehow annoying. This tool helps you to see the volume status at to top of the screen that looks awesome.

StatusVol 2
#13. Anchor
Anchor allows you to reposition the applications wherever you want to put them. You can place the apps anywhere you want. Just drag and drop them to any place of the screen board.

#14. TypeStatus
This actually tells you when somebody’s about to send you a message, maybe they change their mind. It’ll always keep aware of what’s going on.

#15. RePower
You might have observed that when you want to power off your iPhone. It’ll give you only one option to power off the device but by this tool you can customize into two more options. I mean, you’ll see two more options with power off button.

#16. Zeppelin
This tool is really amazing and I love this one very much. By installing this tool, you will be able to change your sim card name to the icon or even a text. For example, you can rename your sim card name to your own company name or your own name.

#17. iCleaner
iCleaner is highly recommended tool especially when you jailbreak your phone. This tool is going to help you to delete all the cache file and optimize your device.

#18. Harbor
If you have seen the apple MacBook Pro or MacBook Air’s dock. It has a nice animation when you hand over each app. The apps have a very cool animation. Now, by this tool, you’ll be able to set the same animation your phone dock. Also, you’ll be able to put how many icon you want. Just the sizes of apps become small and small.

#19. SpotlightBeGone
Some of the people don’t like the spotlight to be on their phone. Because they never use it. For those people, this tweak is really amazing. Just install this tool and disable spotlight on the device.

#20. KillBackground9
When you open lots of apps and do not close or end them. This is going to waste your battery life very much. By this tool, you can end all the background apps just by one click. Double press on the home button then you’ll see a small icon at the bottom right corner. Press on that icon then the background apps are gone away.

These some Top Best 20 iOS 9.3.3 Tweaks that you can use to customize your iPhone. I hope, you enjoyed this article. If you have any question regarding this post just feel free to share it via the comment section below. Thanks for being with us.
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