In this article, I’m going to show you top 50 iOS 9.3.3 tweaks that are compatible with latest iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak and you should know after Jailbreaking your device. Tweaks are the methods that you can use them to customize your device according to your wish. Now jailbreak becomes a common thing among the smartphone users. The majority of the people jailbreak their devices to have full access to the device. Before to get started you need to jailbreak you iDevice, just hit enter to the links down below and start jailbreaking.
In our previous articles about iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak tweaks, we have explained the following tips and tricks. If you want to get more information, just click the links below.
Top 50 iOS 9.3.3 Tweaks
First, what you need is jailbreak your device. If you don’t know how to jailbreak, use the link above. Once you’ve jailbreaked your iPhone or iPad, you need to know some tweaks in order to use the jailbreak device. Otherwise, there is no need of jailbreaking the device. These are some common tweaks that you can use them after you jailbreak your iOS 9.3.3 phone. Read the guide “top 50 iOS 9.3.3 tweaks” just down below.
#1. Lylac
Lylac will combine your phone control center and absolute you’re into one using a little act and really nice interface. It has a couple pages and is very functional.

#2. Springtomize 3
Springtomize 3 is a tweak that customizes the control center and applications. It has lots of usages.

Springtomize 3
#3. WatchNotifications
This tool can customize so much watch notifications so it will actually change the style and look of your notifications to match that of the apple watch.

#4. TetherMe
This will allow you to get free tethering so if your carrier charges you to get tethering you no longer have pay that fee and it works over Bluetooth over USB connection very versatile tethering.

#5. BerryC8
It adds shortcuts to your lock screen very neat little tweak and very user-friendly. It has a nice interface and goes ahead and drive down and it will open the corresponding out the app.

#6. BetterFiveIconDock
By choosing this tweak, you’ll be able to add another icon to the middle of the dock.

#7. BetterFiveIconHomeScreen
This tool is going to help you to put five apps in one row on your device. And you fit a lot more apps on a single page.

#8. Bytafont 3
This allows you to change the font of your device so everywhere this font is presented on your device it will be different it really does change the look up.

Bytafont 3
#9. Aeuriela LS
This is a very awesome cook tweak that allows you to have a pretty nice lock screen. If you actually slide over has a neat animation.

Aeuriela LS
#10. Lockglyph
This is a pretty cool tool that you can customize your phone lock screen. There various kinds of theme that you can choose from. When you press and hold your finger on home button then your device will automatically open and spread unlock sound.

#11. FolderEnhancer
You can allow nested folders in here just change the behavior and look of your folders using this tweak.

#12. Cream
This tool allows you to go ahead and change the colors of the icons on control center of the top row just like you would in iOS 10 looks.

#13. NudeKeys
NudeKeys allows you to go ahead and change the color gradient of your keyboard. When you use this tweak your device keyboard looks so smooth and awesome.

#14. 3DNoLag
If your device does not have 3D touch, you can use this tool to enable 3D touch on your device. When you do 3D touch on the app, the background change depending the app color.

#15. Snakebite
A very easy way to switch between an iPhone 6s and just do a 3D touch on the side of the iPhone. This will appear a menu that you can choose any app that you want to open.

#16. Peek-a-Boo
This is like 3DNoLag tool that allows you to use 3D touch on your device which doesn’t have 3D touch. But this is somehow different from 3DNoLag. If you want to go ahead, you should press a little bit harder. Just press and on the app with some pressure.

#17. PriorityHub
This tweak will allow you to organize your notifications. When you install this tool via Cydia, you will see small icons on your lock screen. You can easily switch through those icons.

#18. Alkaline
There are three themes included but you can download more theme as well. This actually changes the battery icon on your device.

#19. CircleIcons
By this tweak, you can change the settings icons to circle. Every settings icon will be changed to circle when you install this tool via Cydia. It’s really amazing.

#20. RoundDock
RoundDock is like the circleIcon but the only different between this two is the dock. When you use this tweak, you’ll see a round dock on your device.

#21. CallBar 9
CallBar 9 is a very clean way to receive phone calls without a completely taking up your display like in stock. You can easily slide it up out of the way but still know someone is calling you.

CallBar 9
#22. VintageSwitcher
Vintage switcher brings back the old app switcher from iOS 5 and iOS 6 days to iOS 9.3.3 and it looks really cool kind of cool animation.

#23. ClassicLockScreen
The classic lock screen will bring back that old classic lock screen to your device. This classic lock screen was on iOS 9 below.

#24. UnlockSound
With the unlock sound, you can actually have sound while you unlock the device and really some nostalgia going on here.

#25. Appendix
Appendix tool will allow you to do 3D touch on the folder. When you 3D touch on the folder, this will show all the apps which are inside that folder in a 3D way.

#26. TapTapFlip
This tweak is actually for the camera. Double tap on the screen and the camera app to go ahead and swap the camera’s just like a snap-chat.

#27. RecordPause
The “Record pause” will actually allow you to pause the video and you can resume it just by click on the recorded time.

#28. Record “N” Torch
This tool allows you to use your flash turn it on and off during the video.

Record “N” Torch
#29. StealthCam
This is a really awesome and cool tweak that allows you to take pictures from a locking device so just lock your device and the camera will take pictures by pressing the up or down volume key.

#30. Speed Intensifier
This speed up the system animations and you can choose how fast or if you want to completely want to remove them. It’s really, really cool tool for speeding up the system.

Speed Intensifier
#31. MessagesCustomizer
The “Messages Customizer” allows you to change the color of many aspects of the messaging application. For example, you can change the messages background color and change the bubble color images.

#32. InstaBetter
Insta better is a really awesome tweak for anyone that uses Instagram so there’s so much you can do with it. First, you can double tap on someone’s actual icon for their Instagram. Second, If you go ahead and hold on a photo you can zoom and directly from within the app on this. Third, you can download the Instagram images and even you can put a fake verified little icon on your Instagram account.

#33. Icon Renamer
Icon renamer does just that lets you rename the applications on your device. Press and hold on any application and the renamer bar will appear, just type the word you want yourself. Click “Apply“.

Icon Renamer
#34. ColorBanners
The “Color Banners” allows you to put a fun little twist on receiving notification so we will change the actual colors of your notifications you can have it set on random but it’s really cool look really nice.

#35. Auxo 3 IOS 9
Auxo 3 iOS 9 allows you to set gestures so you can slide up on the right and it will lock your device. From the left, you can enter and quickly switch between apps.

Auxo 3 IOS 9
#36. HotDog
Hot dog allows you to go ahead and change every aspect of your lock screen. Change the color of certain different things you and you can change the text for the slide to unlock. Change the behavior even remove camera grabbers. So you can do a lot more things with the hot dog.

#37. PowerTap
The “Power Tap” brings some functionality to your power down menu so you can go ahead and click on the icon get an option to reboot, spring and an option for save mode.

#38. SendDelay
Send delay can be a lifesaver so say you’re sending a message but you want to stop it before it sends. Well, you can actually set a delay. You can stop it in case there is an error or something typed incorrectly.

#39. Tactful
This allows you to bring 3D touch to Cydia so you get some toggles on the actual icon but also within the app go ahead and 3D touch on app packages and get a little preview of them. Also, you can remove them if you want.

#40. SwipeForMore
You can swipe on a package inside of Cydia and get more options for it.

#41. FaceDown
The “FaceDown” allows you to easily lock your device by holding in face down position for a couple of seconds.

#42. Incognito Messages
By this tweak, you can hide your type indicator and also send receipts when you begin to type the message.

#43. WaveFlow
This tool will bring audio visualizer strange into the music application and play music.

#44. SongCount
By this tweak, you will be able to know how many music you have. This is a really simple and easy tweak for iOS 9.3.3.

#45. Gauss2
It’s a color theme for your music application and changes the color in many different areas. It actually looks like a kind of nice.

#46. OneHandWizard
One hand wizard allows you to easily use your device with one hand. Replace reachability with much more useful little pain. It’s one Android device as well by the name of “One-handed Operation“.

#47. TimeUntilAlarm
It puts the amount of time you have until your alarm goes off right underneath your lock screen.

#48. SmoothCursor
With the smooth cursor, you can rip straight from Microsoft Office so you will notice how smoothly the cursor follows as you are typing instead of appearing letter like it currently does.

#49. AppDrawer
This is a really amazing tweak for keeping organized it actually puts all of your apps into one along with preset favorites. Just like Android device, you can have one area where all of your apps are stored.

#50. GIFViewer
This tool allows for native GIF viewing inside the photo application. This is present on Android user. You can enable it and when you open Gallery application, you will see the videos the viewing without clicking on them.

So these were top 50 iOS 9.3.3 tweaks for everybody that has jailbroken their devices. I hope you guys have got something from this pictorial tutorial. If you have got any question regarding this post, please feel free to share it via comment section down below. Thanks for being with us.
The credit of this shots goes to EveryThingApplePro.
Anyone have a email label color changer? Like Mail Enhancer or Mail labeler? Both are not supported in iOS 9 and I found them extremely handy managing several email accounts.
Awesome. I downloaded more than half of these…. Thank you
Welcome dear, Hope you enjoy using this tweaks.