In this article, I will show you the top 3 best video editing app for iOS devices. These apps will be available in the Appstore and only for the iOS devices. Some of the apps will be free and some of them will be paid but overall these apps are the best ones for video editing in 2019. There are times that you could not edit your video or cut some parts of your video well from now on you can edit without any kind of problem.
Suppose you are recording a video for a vlog or social media post and you don’t have a computer to edit the video then you have to use your iPhone. And in that situation would you buy a computer or a video editor at a low price.
Top 3 Best Video Editing App “iOS”
We are going to count down the top 3 best video editing app from 2019 and the best edition. These apps are the best apps of all editing apps, some are free and some are paid as I said before. These apps are great but they also have some downgrade. Remember that these apps are only available on iOS devices.
#1. Adobe Premiere Rush
Adobe premier rush is one of the best apps for video editing in iOS devices. This app is the best app for beginners and for those who can’t effort premium version or apps. This app creates pro-quality video and high-resolution video without a blurry interface. Adobe Premiere Rush is a professional video editing app, it is like adobe premiere pro. Adobe Premiere Rush is a great interface with lots of new features such as slides shows, Fade in & fade out, cut parts of a video and many more.
This app is very good but there are some downgrades that you need to know. The first downgrade is that you can’t really use all the feature unless you buy the premium version. If you have a subscription of Adobe premier pro then you can use it for adobe premier rush. This won’t cost you lots of money. The second downgrade is that it is very complex. You have to spend lots of time on the app to get used to it. Overall adobe premier rush is a very good app. The subscription is a $9.99/per month.

#2. LumaFusion
Lumafusion is the most powerful multi-track video editing app created for Hand Phones and iPads. This is one of the best video editing apps right now. This app is used by social media users, professional video producers, journalist and many more. People do use this app a lot and mostly when they are traveling somewhere because this app gives them all the editing features and performance that a program on a computer would give.
The downgrade is that this app isn’t free, you have to pay to download this app. You don’t need a subscription, it is only a one-time download. This would be the best app for video editing but since this app isn’t free lumafusion is the second best in my opinion. The price of Lumafusion is $30.

#3. iMovie
iMovie is without a dought one of the best video editing app. This app has great performance. This app lets you create a great video and movie trailer. You can also add so many videos in one layer and even edit audio with key phrases in the middle of the video. This app lets you create a movie trailer and a movie scene. You can even use airplay to stream video to your apple tv.
iMovie Features:
- Video editing interface
- Supports 4k on iPhone 6s and iPad air 2
- 2x speed-up and 2x speed-down
- Share video and movie project with airdrop
- Share to youtube in 4k or HD
- Duplicate, Spile and merge layers of videos together
- Add text, Change color and many more…

Well, this is the top 3 best video editing app for iOS devices. Hope you guys have gotten something from this article. I will try my best to find out as many goods articles as you want. In addition, if you have any problem, suggestion or request you can say, just by commenting in the comment section. Thanks for being with us and do not forget to subscribe and also, visit our website every day, because we post new articles every day.
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