Designing Brochure with Shapes in Word 2016

Designs Template

What is Brochure? What is the usage of it? And most important how to design it? In this article, I’m going to show the designing brochure with shapes in Word 2016 and also, you will have all the answers. There are many programs for creative designs, but most designers are designing the brochure in Adobe illustrator. A brochure is a booklet or a pamphlet giving information of, and advertising, something. A brochure of theater programs is a booklet giving details of schedules of plays, the actors, and the others involved in the performances. A tourism brochure is a thin book of a few pages with pictures, giving information about the tour programs organized by the travel company.

Also, visit;

Creative Ideas about Designing a Brochure

  1. Know your purpose before you start
  2. Limit your fonts
  3. Take stock of your paper stock
  4. Get your copy right
  5. Put reader’s first
  6. Think of simple statements
  7. Set pen to paper
  8. Keep what works
  9. Make a good first impression
  10. Shoot sharp

    Designing Brochure with Shapes in Word 2016


If you want a complete explanation of them click here at top 10 creative tips to download PDF file.

Designing Brochure with Shapes

#1- Open word go to insert tab- select the Right triangle shape, now draw it with 1.76 height and width of 1.86

Designing Brochure with Shapes in Word 2016

Right Tringle

#2- Now take it to one corner of your page. From format tab, select fill color- more colors and apply these color code like snapshot which gives the same color like above snapshot.

Designing Brochure with Shapes in Word 2016

Adjusting shape

#3- Again visit shapes in insert tab but this time select Rectangle shapes and draw it with the height of 1.62 and width of 4.93 in the area like the snapshot. In order to make it rectangle go to format tab select edit shape.

Note: Its color code for Rectangle is Red 51, Green 104, Blue 135

Designing Brochure with Shapes in Word 2016

Rectangle shape

#4- Again go to insert tab- select the right rectangle with height and weight of 1.57, draw it above the rectangle like the snapshot.

Design Brochure in Word 2016

2nd Right rectangle

#5- Again visit shapes and select isosceles triangle from basic shapes, in order to shape it. Navigate to format tab and select edit shapes. Edit its shape like the screenshot below.

Designing Brochure with Shapes in Word 2016

Isosceles triangle

#6- Again select right triangle shape and draw the isosceles triangle, beside it again draw a new right triangle like the screenshot.

Designing Brochure with Shapes in Word 2016

Double Tringle

#7- in order to fill it with the picture, go to format tab, select fill- select picture and insert your picture.

Designing Brochure with Shapes in Word 2016

Shape fill


This was the simple and easy to create or design Brochure with Word 2016. If you’ve any suggestion or know the various design of creating a Brochure in Word 2016, feel free to share with us. Thanks for being with us.

Designing Brochure with Shapes in Word 2016

Designing Brochure


Mukhtar Jafari is the founder of He holds certifications as a CISCO Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT) and Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), and has obtained a diploma in IT Networking from TAFE. He is passionate about assisting fellow technology enthusiasts and is thus engaged in part-time work at Through this platform, he shares his expertise and experiences to benefit individuals who are new to the field of information technology.

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