Complete Guide to Fix VirtualBox Errors While Installing Mac OS X

Complete Guide to Fix VirtualBox Errors While Installing Mac OS X 1

In this article, I’m going to show you the complete guide to fix VirtualBox errors while installing Mac OS X. Most of the website that creating content regarding the installation of Mac OS X El Capitan or macOS Sierra on VirtualBox is not complete and have errors. The article might be correct and work on one device perfectly and without any problem. But there are lots of devices and different kinds of errors. A few months ago, we created an article on how to install Mac OS X El Capitan on VirtualBox and the visitors has got different kinds of problems.

One of our visitors “Holk” has read all the necessary comments and collected all the errors together and told the solutions. Here is his comment.

First THANXALOT to Mukhtar Jafari for all of his work! Great!
I needed more than 3 hours getting it to work. I was stuck in most of the errors mentioned above. Only with hints out of the comments I got it working. I`m merging it here so not anybody else will have this pain.

Creating the VM is easy, I´m not mentioning it here (just get vram to 128 mb!), problems were caused by the code (whatelse?!).

1) command prompt as admin

2) Mukhtar Jafari says: May 23, 2016 at 4:06 PM -> vboxmanage error

Aha, Add one more hyphen then try once again. Because when you copy and paste the code from Website
there will appear only one hyphen so use double hyphen *–* before cpuidset

3) LoThAr says: May 21, 2016 at 3:47 AM -> VBoxManage error: Could not find a registered machine named ‘”OS’

None of the solution posted worked for me, so, there is a way that cannot fail. Follow this steps:

In the DOS prompt type:
VBoxManage.exe list vms

You’ll see all your Virtual Machines (in case you have more than one). At the right of the Mac image is the GUID of the machine. Copy that GUID an replace it for the name of the VM in the command.

For example:

VBoxManage.exe list vms
“ZENTYAL2” {f5ee0212-7ca4-4710-b30e-b7e2ee881cb9}
“IE9 – Win7” {6730b42b-d555-4729-9948-711159678cac}
“Mac OS El Capitan” {9089dae0-6372-4c00-b415-b8963d54535f} “Missing Bluetooh Controller” error

You are getting the “Missing Bluetooh Controller” error because you are running the commands (Step# 5) while the Oracle VM software is open. Shut down the VM software completely and then run the commands. After the commands are ran, open up Oracle VM and start your VM session.

5) 3) Yhal Htet Aung says: May 19, 2016 at 12:53 PM -> “Missing Bluetooh Controller” error

Dude, I know what is the error. If you copy code from the website, try to change ” with your open inverted comma “. It is the error. After I changed the line with my open inverted comma for Search and Replace, then the problem solved. Make sure that you use your own open inverted comma in every single line. Try to check and replace it. Search and Replace doesn’t replace all the lines sometimes.

These tips solved also the “considerRebuildOfPrelinkedKernel triggered rebuild” error!

Conclusion: Wouldn´t it have been easier to add an ANSI-textfile with the right code to the downloads list?!

Nevertheless: Thanx to all of you!

Fix VirtualBox Errors While Installing Mac OS X

Now, I would like to shorten this whole passage into some steps. I hope you should get something from this article.

Step #1. While creating a new virtual machine, you should do the following tasks;

  1. Memory Size to 4 GB (Recommended)
  2. Disable Floppy disk
  3. Chipset to ICH9 or PIIX3 for some devices
  4. Processor minimum 2 recommended 4
  5. Video memory to 128 MB

Step #2. Whenever you face this problem “VBoxManage.exe: error: Unknown option. -cpuidset
The VM hangs on boot” while adding the first code in the Command Prompt. It’s because of a double hyphen. Use Double hyphen “- – “ before cpuidset.

Fix VirtualBox Errors While Installing Mac OS X

unknown option – cpuidset

Step #3. When you see this error “VBoxManage error: Could not find a registered machine named ‘Your VM Name‘”, it’s because of your virtual machine name. You did not replace the VM name in the code. So you have replaced the VM name. And then insert the code. See the screenshot below.

Fix VirtualBox Errors While Installing Mac OS X

Could not find a registered machine name

Or do it in this way. Type this command “VBoxManage.exe list vms”. You’ll see all your Virtual Machines (in case you have more than one). At the right of the Mac, image is the GUID of the machine. Copy that GUID a replace it for the name of the VM in the command.
“Kali Linux” {6d21496a-248a-490e-9fb9-345e2fabda85}
” Windows10″ {1a73201f-ed39-4c73-bd7c-4dccc06efba8}
“Mac OS X El Capitan” {3fc75013-68e9-4561-a054-cd7853ffca2f}
“macOS Sierra” {d95c956f-ae86-47fb-a3f8-71cfa1973a38}

Fix VirtualBox Errors While Installing Mac OS X

Could not find a registered machine name

Step #4. How to fix this “Missing Bluetooth Controller…” error. When you see this error. because you are running the commands (Step# 5) while the Oracle VM software is open. Shut down the VM software completely and then run the commands. After the commands executed, open up Oracle VM and start your VM session.

If this method didn’t work. Try this method. One of our visitor “Yhal Htet Aung” have found this error. If you copy the code from the website, try to change ” with your open inverted comma “. It is the error. After I changed the line with my open inverted comma for Search and Replaced, then the problem solved. Make sure that you use your own open inverted comma in every single line. Try to check and replace it. Search and Replace doesn’t replace all the lines sometimes

These tips also solved the “considerRebuildOfPrelinkedKernel triggered rebuild” error!

Complete Guide to Fix VirtualBox Errors While Installing Mac OS X

Fix VirtualBox Errors While Installing Mac OS X


These tips were for you dear visitors, and I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions regarding this problem or know the better solution. Please feel free to share it with us. Thanks for being with us.


Mukhtar Jafari is the founder of He holds certifications as a CISCO Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT) and Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), and has obtained a diploma in IT Networking from TAFE. He is passionate about assisting fellow technology enthusiasts and is thus engaged in part-time work at Through this platform, he shares his expertise and experiences to benefit individuals who are new to the field of information technology.


  1. blankMalte Stahl Reply

    I also say “Apple key store […] operation failed. What can I do? Please answer 🙂 The stupid thing is that everything has worked so far and now every time I start up it says “Apple key store […] operation failed”. Can someone help me?

  2. blankSophie Reply

    I had the following error when i tried install “Catalina”: Error loading kernel cache (0xe). If you followed the steps and had that error, restart and update your computer. Power on your virtual machine again and the installation will begin.
    My PC is an Intel I7.

  3. blanktimothee kamdem Reply

    hello every one excuse my english.
    I have this problem

    unexpected session: 100000 uid: -1 requested by:36
    appleKeyStore: operation failed (pid:36 sel:7 ret:e00002c2 ‘-536870206’ -1, 100000)



  4. blankStepan Yakovenko Reply

    VBoxManage modifyvm “MacOS” –cpuidset 00000001 000106e5 00100800 0098e3fd bfebfbff
    VBoxManage setextradata “MacOS” “VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemProduct” “iMac11,3”
    VBoxManage setextradata “MacOS” “VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVersion” “1.0”
    VBoxManage setextradata “MacOS” “VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBoardProduct” “Iloveapple”
    VBoxManage setextradata “MacOS” “VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/DeviceKey” “ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontsteal(c)AppleComputerInc”
    VBoxManage setextradata “MacOS” “VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/GetKeyFromRealSMC” 1
    VBoxManage setextradata “MacOS” VBoxInternal2/EfiGopMode 4

  5. blankKendel Reply

    Idk if anyone still runs this thread but I can’t get my MacOS to work on virtual box. It boots up with the start code but it doesn’t go through all the code. It just stops at “Start CalculateAdler32” and then does nothing.

  6. blankMatthew Reply


    I’ve seen this error addressed multiple times on your site, but with no real or clear answer.

    Configuration error: Querying “UUID” failed (VERR_CFGM_VALUE_NOT_FOUND).

    I’ve tried multiple versions of VirtualBox, with multiple vmdk’s to no avail.

    A real solution would be most appreciated, but I understand if it is not possible. I’ve searched the internet for days with no real answer to this problem.

  7. blankRobert Reply

    I’ve followed all the steps to the letter but I still get the Guru Meditation error. Does host CPU matter in the sense of AMD vs Intel?

  8. blankShankar Reply

    I installed mac os high siera by following the instructions here. It worked great!. Then I tried to install xcode and i got the guru meditation crital error and after that could not proceed further. Please help me to fix this error.

  9. blankRoss Godden Reply

    I have finally been able to run the Mac OS Sierra in the virtual machine, but the mouse is non-functioning. The mac mouse pointer appears in the top left of the VM Window, but does not move. When i click on my mouse button, the local mouse pointer disappears and I have to use task manager to shut down the VM. What have I done wrong??

  10. blankjake88 Reply

    I have a problem I can not get my mouse to go back to win7 host. I have tried the host key and ctrl + alt but still does not work. Apart from that it appears to work fine, mac os starts and I can logg in etc, but can’t go back to host unless i shut down the machine.

    I have some other machines installed in virtualbox where this is no problem.

    1. blankAd1955 Reply

      I also encounter same issue. Tried both PS2 and tablet for parameter, but stays the same. With Ubuntu x64 there is no problem

  11. blankCameron Reply

    I have gone through the steps you gave in your article for installing Mac OS onto VirtualBox, but after I run the CMD codes(with VirtualBox closed) I try to start the Virtual Machine and it does not open a Mac window. Some of the text that it runs reads:
    -cant perform kext scan: no kext summary
    -Mac OS Version:
    Not set yet
    It seems like the CMD lines that I ran have not worked but I do not know why since I did not have VirtualBox open. I also used the correct commands for the version (5.x.x)

  12. blankStephan Reply

    Hi there,
    I keep getting

    Configuration error: Querying “DeviceKey” as a string failed (VERR_CFGM_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE).

    Any Idea?

  13. blankBrant Reply

    VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration is not available on your system. Certain guests (e.g. OS/2 and QNX) require this feature and will fail to boot without it.
    What does this mean?

  14. blank. Reply

    Hello , I have an issue related to my VM . I tried all ways to solve it but here is what coming back . Can anyone help me ? Thank you in advance

    UEFI Interactive Shell v2.0. UEFI v2.31(EDK II, 0x00010000) .Revision1.02
    Mapping table
    FSO :Alias(s):HD10a0a1:;BLK1:
    ..many numbers in here

    Press ESC in 4 seconds to skip to startup.nsp(highlighted in yellow)or any other key to continue
    2.0 Shell >

  15. blankbrehma Reply

    I have a ThinkPad T460s, Intel I7 dual core. I have verified all settings are correct, have runs the cmd(admin) with VM closed. I’m running Windows 10 64 bit on host and trying to run High Sierra 53 bit on guest. I get the endless reboot loop, and upon occasion, will get a panic kernel cache error 0x9. The issue is I never get the dsmos to return with anything validating it, like I’ve seen in many other posts.

    AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 36 sel: 7 ret: e00002c2 ‘-536870206’, -1, 1000000)
    HID: Legacy shim 2
    IOGraphics flags 0x43 (0x51)
    ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin::start – waitForService(resourceMatching(AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement) timed out
    AppleLPC::notifyingPlactformASPM – registering with plugin with ASPM Support false

    then several:
    Sound assertion in AppleHDACodecGeneric at line 534
    I have tried all the alternate cpuidset listed in some of the earlier posts. They all return the same problem of the continuous boot-loop.
    I have pointed to the VMDK file in the 1st position with an 80 virtual hdd and vice versa.

    Any other suggestions?

    1. blankSebastian Reply

      I could’ve had the same problem, try closing virtualbox and then run the commands. That worked for me.

  16. blankLeo Romalldo Reply

    Hye there. Im using windows 7 and try to install MacOS High Sierra using virtual box. I’ve followed numerous tutorial and all seem the same. I’ve checked my hardware and it meets the requirement such as virtually-enabled inside the BIOS. I’ve followed all the steps accordingly and encounter no error. The problem is my virtual box is completely blank when I try to run High Sierra, meaning the boot is not running. I’ve waited for the boot screen to load for like 2 hours and yet nothing happens. Do you have any solutions for this?

      1. blankbrehma

        I have it going now, thanks for the help. I don’t know what changed to make it work, but here’s what I did. I created, yet another, instance where, virtually, all these steps are identical to what I did yesterday.

        Type: mac OS X
        Version: 10.13 High Sierra (64-bit)

        Base Memory: 8047 MB
        Processors: 2
        Boot Order: Floppy, Optical, HDD
        Chipset Type: ICH9
        EFI: Enabled
        Acceleration: VT-x/AMD-V,Nested Paging,PAE/NX,Minimal Paravirtualization

        Video Memory: 128
        Screens: 2
        Remote Desktop: Disabled
        Video Capture: Disabled

        Controller: SATA
        SATA Port 0: macOS_HighSierra (Normal, 79.00 GB) [or whatever saved as]
        Controller: SATA2
        SATA Port 1: NewVirtualDrive.vdmk (Normal, 85.00 GB) [3rd change I made; I had been making VDI]

        Host Driver: Windows DirectSound
        Controller: Intel HD Audio

        Adapter 1: Intel PRO/1000 MT Server (Bridged Adapter, Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I219-LM)

        USB Contoller: xHCI
        Device Filters: 0

        Shared folders
        Shared Folders: 0

        Closed out of VBox, opened the cmd(admin), applied the required changes as described in this article.

        Opened VBox with my newly created instance.
        Watched the bootup output logger; all the while hoping, praying and muttering under my breath that it better work… I think this is the biggest key to the success story 🙂
        And finally… Silently celebrated my success

        1st Change: I shutdown my laptop and went home for the day :), started fresh this morning with the actions as described above.

        2nd Change: Windows Update (It was forced via Company GPO)

      2. blankMukhtar Jafari Post author

        Wow, thank you for taking time to share your opinion with other visitors. That’s what we want from our real visitor to share their experience with others. Again thank

  17. blankmd Rasel sheikh Reply

    i am really tired of it . i want to install mac OS sierra 10.12 in virtual box , when i start mac its shows that UEFI Interactive V 2.1 .what can i do…plz tell me how to solved the problem……?

  18. blankHarsha Reply

    I am facing an issue and getting this error
    Configuration error: Querying “DeviceKey” as a string failed (VERR_CFGM_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE).

      1. blankJonathan Diego Rodríguez Rdz

        yes, the error is when we set
        VBoxManage setextradata “mac” “VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/DeviceKey” “ourhardworkbytheseword\sguardedpleasedontsteal(c)AppleComputerInc”

  19. blankMatthew Holdsworth Reply

    Hi there, I have followed all instructions exactly, double checked that I have typed in the correct code and correct VM name, made sure that I typed them in after closing the virtualbox, made sure i ran cmd and VirtualBox as administrator, made sure I have virtualization technology enabled in the bios and have tried using both chipset options IHC9 and PIIX. Nothing has worked for me. The Virtual Box logo displays then the geeky code runs and I can see a lot of tests pass but as soon as it gets to the line “waiting for DSMOS…” it encounters the following error and restarts the loop.
    Waiting for DSMOS…
    unexpected session 100000 uid: -1 requested by: 31
    AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 31 set: 7 ret: e00002c2 ‘-536870206’)
    HID: Legacy shim 2
    HID: Legacy shim 2
    IOGraphics flags 0x43
    Sound assertion in AppleHDAController at line 566
    Sound assertion in AppleHDAController at line 421
    Previous shutdown cause: 3
    ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin::start – waitForService(resourceMatching(AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement) timed out
    AppleLPC::notifyPlatformASPM – registering with plugin with ASPM Support false
    ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin::registerLPCDriver – WARNING – LPC device initialization failed: C-state power management not initialized
    AppleLPC::notifyPlatformASPM – failed to register with IOPlatformPlugin
    I took a screenshot of the code as it ran, if you could please e-mail me how to resolve this I would greatly appreciate it and I could send you the jpeg of the error.

    I am using a brand new ASUS ROG laptop with intel i7 4-core processor, 16GB RAM and windows 10. it is a x64 based pc. For the VM i allocated 128MB graphics, 6GB RAM and 2 cores.

      1. blankMax Thas

        Hello Faiz,
        did you found a solution on that problem?
        Previous shutdown cause: 3
        best regards

  20. blankRaj Reply

    I was able to have the OS (10.12) running in virtualBox following the instructions. Thanks for the great post!!. Now after powering the image, I am trying to install Xcode. I was asked to upgrade to 10.12.6 (needed for Xcode 9). I went to appstore and downloaded the update. It asked me to restart the machine. So powered off the image and brought it again. But the upgrade did not happen. Can one upgrade OS in this way?

  21. blankNiraj Reply

    Failed to open a session for the virtual machine OS X 10.11 El Capitan.

    The virtual machine ‘OS X 10.11 El Capitan’ has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1). More details may be available in ‘C:\Users\ADMIN\VirtualBox VMs\OS X 10.11 El Capitan\Logs\VBoxHardening.log’.

    Result Code: E_FAIL (0x80004005)
    Component: MachineWrap
    Interface: IMachine {b2547866-a0a1-4391-8b86-6952d82efaa0}

    After following all the steps…i run the virtual macine and got these error please help…

  22. blankShey Laplanche Reply

    Im getting a critical error, with reference to log files (hell long not gonna paste here.) Although, my system is:
    CPU: i5-7600 (7th Gen, is this a problem?)
    GPU: GTX 1060 3GB
    Mobo: MSI Arctic Mortar. dont think this is critical.

    I DID close Vbox before running cmd commands, and got the Vbox Guru Meditation dialog saying, A critical error has occured… etc.”

  23. blankArun Prasad Reply

    Hi Mukhtar, Thanks for overall help in installing but when i try to save a video recording it seems to be bugged. shows a Black screen rather than a video. Any idea ?

  24. blankTchelovek Reply

    Hi Mukhtar,
    thanks for supplying this nice site full of valuable insights.

    I was just giving installation of macOS Sierra on a Surface Book running Virtual Box a try. Alas I come to a screeching halt, although I followed your instruction precisely (as far as I can see).

    Not only do I get the “this is an unknown CPU model 0x4e” although I use the updated Virtual Box code, but also I get “DSMOS: SMC returned incorrect key: …” where key is an all zeroes string.

    A panic follows with a reference to “…/DontStealMacOS.cpp” line 219.
    What did I miss here ?


    1. Reply

      Hi Mukhtar,

      not sure what happened, after the umpteenth repetition of the process it now works as expected. Sorry for having stirred up your peace of mind.

      Anyway, it seems that Virtual Box has its owb ways, I had similar troubles with other VMs before. They all went away with no apparent reason to be found.

      Take care,


  25. blankRussell Grokett Reply

    Here are some hints I found:
    1) Intel CPU works better than AMD
    2) Turn OFF Antivirus programs before starting install
    3) Set Video RAM to between 64-128MB
    4) Use no spaces in VM name (ex: “MACOSX” not “MAC OSX”) Also no punctuation. Also verify:
    VM Type: Mac OS X and Version: Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan (64-bit)
    (These are in Virtualbox Settings->General)
    5) Suggest use wired Internet, not WiFi, for initial download/updates etc.
    6) Run CMD window as Administrator when entering command line commands.
    7) May need to start Virtualbox as Administrator.
    8) Be patient during initial boot up. It runs disk checks and other repairs… and can reboot a couple times.
    9) Be sure your HD or SSD has >100GB free space. All the updates after initial installation gobble space.
    10) Black Screen? Try video RAM > 64MB and Chipset = PIIX3
    11) Do not install Virtual Box Extensions “CD”

    Hope this helps. It works fine on my HP Elitebook i5 8GB RAM & SSD Windows 10 Creator.

  26. blankDev Reply

    I’m starting with an existing Snow Leopard system image. I had to remove AppleIntelCPUPowerMangement.kext to avoid a kernel panic. Now I fail at boot with:
    Loading drivers…
    ….[lots of dots on many lines]….
    …….Error allocating 0x2c pages at at 0x0000000001ff4000 alloc type 2
    Could not allocate driver module memory

  27. blankMaged Reply

    Failed to open a session for the virtual machine Mac Sierra.

    VT-x is not available (VERR_VMX_NO_VMX).

    Result Code: E_FAIL (0x80004005)
    Component: ConsoleWrap
    Interface: IConsole {872da645-4a9b-1727-bee2-5585105b9eed}

    I got this error and i dont know how to fix it
    Help me please

    1. blankMukhtar Jafari Post author Reply

      Enable Virtualization Technology from your system BIOS and also run the code to CMD correctly.
      Make sure that VirtualBox is completely closed and then type the code to the CMD

  28. blankKevin Reply

    Ok, I had changed the Paravirtualization Interface to None.

    Please can you confirm what bootloader you used to install El Capitan? I am trying to access the app store and I am unable to and would like to apply a fix.

  29. blankKevin Reply

    I am getting the following error:

    This version of Mac OS X is not supported on this platform Reason: Iloveapple

    Any idea as to why?

  30. blankBen Lu Reply

    Hey there I have a problem what does this mean? The virtual machine ‘macOS 10.12 Sierra’ has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1). More details may be available in ‘C:\Users\benal\VirtualBox VMs\macOS 10.12 Sierra\Logs\VBoxHardening.log’.

    Result Code:
    E_FAIL (0x80004005)
    IMachine {b2547866-a0a1-4391-8b86-6952d82efaa0}

  31. blankJuan Carlos Reply

    I have this problem

    unexpected session: 100000 uid: -1 requested by:30
    appleKeyStore: operation failed (pid:30 sel:7 ret:e00002c2 ‘-536870206’)



  32. blankJames Reply

    I’ve followed the guide Step by Step

    4/5 Boots is a Black Screen and the 5th Time is the the following error messages. Any ideas?

    Error allocating 0x800 pages at 0x0000000002600000 alloc type 2
    Error loading kernel cache (0x9)
    Boot Failed. Mac Boot
    Boot Failed. EFI DVD/CDROM

      1. blankJames

        Just going through that now, getting alot more activity however it just seems to be cycling through the boot up and restarting

        Trying to find the Displayed error messages at the moment

  33. blankRafa_97 Reply

    My laptop is running on AMD A10. Ive followed every instruction thoroughly but keep getting an error message. Is this due to the processor which my laptop is running on?

  34. blankQuan Reply

    Failed to open a session for the virtual machine macOS Sierra.

    The virtual machine ‘macOS Sierra’ has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1). More details may be available in ‘C:\Users\Q\AppData\Local\Droid4X\vms\macOS Sierra\Logs\VBoxHardening.log’.

    Result Code: E_FAIL (0x80004005)
    Component: MachineWrap
    Interface: IMachine {b2547866-a0a1-4391-8b86-6952d82efaa0}

    Can you help me? pls

  35. blankAlex Reply

    I have done everything you have told everyone else with the same issue that I have (black screen but it is running).
    – I have increased memory to 128 > critical error
    – deleted and reinstalled and made sure to exit Virtual Box when inputting CMD commands (in admin mode)
    – Anything between 70 to 128mb of video memory results in critical error and anything less than 70 gives me just a black screen
    – checked my bios and virtualization is enabled
    – Made sure I replaced my machine name in the code

    Laptop Specs
    Nvidia 1050
    Intel core i7-7700

  36. blankSam Reply


    I’ve followed all the steps for setting up mac OS X on a virtual machine. I have successfully logged in to my Apple account. I am getting an interesting error whenever I boot up regularly and when it reboots the machine while it tries to install Mac OS Sierra.

    It’s saying:
    bash: /etc/rc.server No such file or directory
    bash: /etc/rc.installer_cleanup No such file or directory

    After these final displays, the machine goes to my Mac login and I login, but the Sierra update did not install.

    Your help is greatly appreciated.

    1. blankFaiz Orz Reply

      If you want to update macOS to the latest version, then I recommend you to download the combo update from Search google you will find out.

  37. blankbetmenwasdie Reply

    error: VBoxManage setextradata “OSX” “VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/DeviceKey” “ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontsteal(c)AppleComputerInc”

    stuck at appleKeyStore: operation failed (pid:30 sel:7 ret:e00002c2 ‘-536870206’)

    there’s no any options?

  38. blankFarshad Sadri Reply

    Hi, Thanks a lot for your tutorial. I have done all the steps. I get to an endless loop of boot and never get to welcome screen. I have an Intel Core i7 4700HQ CPU. I allocated 4GB as recommended and tested 8GB (none worked). I have an NVidia Geforce 850M GPU.

    Please help me. I didn’t find anything on web to solve this problem. Thanks.

    Here’s my detailed log:

  39. blankdemo Reply

    for people with the black screen problem –> 128 MB Grafical memory
    for people with guru crash –> change operating system from mac os x 64 El CAPITAL to just the mac os x 64. now it works!

    1. blankmartinicus Reply

      Awesome, this was the only thing that helped!

      The same thing works also on VMWare: you have to pick 10.7 instead of 10.11 or 10.12. I’m not sure why, though – maybe something related to the fact that I’m on KabyLake.

  40. blankSyst3mF4i1ur3 Reply

    I’ve tried installing a couple of times, but everytime i launch it gives me the UEFI Interactive Shell, any suggestions?

  41. blankNickels Reply

    Get error when trying to start. How do I confirm values in step 5 or reset step 5?

    Configuration error: Invalid config value(s) for the EFI device (VERR_PDM_DEVINS_UNKNOWN_CFG_VALUES).

    Result Code:
    E_FAIL (0x80004005)
    IConsole {872da645-4a9b-1727-bee2-5585105b9eed}

  42. blankSpider Reply

    switching from Version: Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan (64-bit)
    to Version: Mac OS X (64-bit)
    made it work for me.
    Dell Inspiron 17 Core i7 laptop

    1. blankOvis Reply

      Thank you helped me a lot the VM started to work as it should. Just created account. Before it throws me “Guru Meditation” error

      1. blankmd Rasel sheikh

        i am really tired of it..i want install mac os sierra 10.12 in virtual box but when i start mac it shows UEFI Interactive v.2.1 plz help me …

  43. blankManthan Reply

    Hmm I successfully ran the Mac OS onto virtual box but the stuck on the start up screen with the apple logo and the spinning goes on any help plzz

  44. blankCaitlin Reply

    Hey there,

    I keep getting an error:
    Invalid config value(s) for the EFI device (VERR_PDM_DEVINS_UNKNOWN_CFG_VALUES).

    I have tried
    – uninstalling/reinstalling everything
    – checking the cmd command lines (and it was run in administrator), I re-entered them very carefully too
    – checking or unchecking the EFI box in system
    – potentially changing the chipset used
    – using anywhere from 2 – 16 GB RAM
    – using anywhere from 2 – 6 cores
    – and variations on the above attempts

    Any help would be fantastic!
    ps. I have found that my very old Mountain Lion install that I had working on 4.3 no longer works (but thats a different story). I uninstalled 4.3 to install the latest version for a Sierra install.

    1. blankJLane210 Reply

      Go to your Mac OS .vmx file and open with word pad. find where it says virtualHW.version =

      What number do you have there?

  45. blankjose mendez Reply

    i follow all the procedure, and could install sierra as guest in windows 7, but… mouse can not be captured, after click on the guest it disappears, and recovered after press ctrl-right. I tried to install guest additions but is not posible showing error 0X80004005, i tried to adjust nerwork as MS says but mouse can not work in guest

    1. blankMukhtar Jafari Post author Reply

      To have mouse on gest operating system, you have to press Ctrl+Alt. You can’t install guest addition on macOS Sierra on VirutalBox right now. VirtualBox doesn’t support guest addition for macOS Sierra.

  46. blankDizzle Reply

    Hey, great tutorials. I got Sierra to work but I have a problem.
    Every few minutes the system crashes and I get a black screen that says: “allowing exception handler for windowserver 716 because handler was not set by master entitled process launchid” for 2 seconds.
    Then it goes to the login screen. I’ve looked around but could not find a solution.
    Please let me know what might cause this problem.

      1. blankDizzle

        Thanks for the reply.
        If I understand correctly, under the Hard Disk configuration, I selected “Use an existing virtual hard disk file“. There I used the .vmdk file that I downloaded earlier.

  47. blankSachin Nair Reply

    So my problem is whenever I load the VM, it starts the black screen with code and then says “press ESC to skip startup.nsh or wait 5 seconds.” Either way, it goes to the next line and says “Shell.” And it’s basically a command prompt, but I don’t know what to do from there. I went into my computer’s bios and set it to enable virtualization as well. What should I do?

    1. blankJohn Reply

      I had the same problem. Firstly at step 3.3 click on browse and find the vmdk file you downloaded and extracted, select this. At step 4 add a step 4.5 Edit settings, storage, select Sata controller and add a new hard drive, create a new drive. Once the drive is created change the sata ports so the new drive is before the vdmk drive. Then start the VM. Give the VM time to complete tasks. If it hangs before the welcome screen, reset the machine. You may need to do this a couple of times. The VM will then correctly boot and load and bring up the welcome screen. Hope this works for you.

  48. blankJohar Reply

    Hi Mukhtar – Salam
    I am stuck in first boot
    the last line in command window is
    boot-args = usb=0x800 keepsyms-1-v -serial=0x1

  49. blankMarcos Santo Reply

    After some problems it works for me now, i delete everything i had and started from scratch. Now its working fine for me. Thank you!

  50. blankpatrick Reply

    I too was stuck in a bootloop, using an Acer laptop with intel I5.
    I closed the virtualbox app completely, applied the cmd lines (using a .bat file) and started VB again. Then the vm started through, and I was able to create a user account and such.. Maybe this will help you as well.

  51. blankHvvnn Reply

    I got problem when log in after install OS
    Got black screen 3-4s after type password and sign in.
    After black back to log in screen and i can’t log in.
    Already set Video memory to 128mb

      1. blankLolo

        Yes I’m sure to have done it correctly and to have turned off the machine .. I have re-try full of times I do not understand 🙁

  52. blankstephane Reply

    Well sound is distorded – a bit like Vador toking slowwwwly 😀
    I was using a VM with qemu but got no sound so I converted it to Virtualbox format but sound is not good so far – not comparable to what we get with a Windows VM. Any clue ?

      1. blanksteph

        I followed a procedure to set-up an OS X VM with qemu – on .
        Everything worked – way more complicated than with VirtualBox – except sound in the end.

  53. blankharidass Reply

    I’ve installed mac osX el capitan on virtualbox 5.1.8.
    I have a PC running windows 10.
    Everything works fine except the sound. The sound is unclear and it seems to be running
    at slow-motion.
    On the same PC I’ve installed windows 7 on virtualbox 5,1.8 and the sound works perfectly
    Any suggestion?

  54. blankflashsouth Reply

    disk 2 : alignment error this is what i get basically but the system runs perfectly but without the el capitain hard drive

  55. blankflashsouth Reply

    hello , i’ve followed your tutorial guide and it works thanks a lot, however , it seems that inside the virtual machine, the disk doesn’t mount, i mean there is no home folder or system ? i applied the tutorial step by step but still got nothing

  56. blankJulian Reply

    by updating virtual bux and repeating the commands now i got stock in a grey windows with the mac mouse working, but after a few minutes I got a message “The machine was restarted because of a problem …” I press not to report it and it remains in the grey screen.

  57. blankXavi Reply

    I follow all steps smoothly, but:
    – if I set the video to 128MB then I get the critical error message
    – if I leave the video to 16MB as default I get a blank screen

    Any idea?
    My system:
    – Dell Dimension 9200
    – Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.40GHz
    – NVidia GTX 960

  58. blankPavel Reply

    Did everything like in step-by-step guide, but receiving following error on virtual machine startup:

    The virtual machine ‘macOS 10.12 Sierra’ has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005). More details may be available in ‘C:\Users\Pavel\VirtualBox VMs\macOS 10.12 Sierra\Logs\VBoxHardening.log’.

    Error Code: E_FAIL (0x80004005)
    Component: MachineWrap
    Interface: IMachine {b2547866-a0a1-4391-8b86-6952d82efaa0}

    1. blankMukhtar Jafari Post author Reply

      I’m not sure about this error but you can apply step #5 of installing macOS Sierra or El Capitan once again
      Because most of our visitors have that problem “Adding VritualBox code to CMD”.

  59. blankMichael Reply

    Complete waste of time ! Not working

    Configuration error: Invalid config value(s) for the EFI device (VERR_PDM_DEVINS_UNKNOWN_CFG_VALUES).

    Code d’erreur :
    E_FAIL (0x80004005)
    Composant :
    Interface :
    IConsole {872da645-4a9b-1727-bee2-5585105b9eed}

  60. blanklorenzo Reply

    Guys when i try: VBoxManage.exe modifyvm “OSX” -–cpuidset 00000001 000106e5 02100800 0098e3fd bfebfbff

    It gives VBoxmanage.exe:error:unknown option: –cpuidset

    Really strange cuz i used double — . Still it gives this message. Anyone knows what to do?
    Before the error message i can see from the list options that –cpuidset is there: [–cpuidset ].

    1. blankFaiz Orz Reply

      First, replace the “OS X Name” with your Virtual Machine name. Copy the below code and paste it into the notepad text editor. Then whatever you have called your Virtual Machine, so you have to replace it. After that apply the codes on CMD on virtualBox path.

  61. blankzana Reply

    I get following error:

    waiting for DSMOS…
    HID:legacy shim 2
    unexpected session: 100000 uid: -1 requested by:30
    appleKeyStore: operation failed (pid:30 sel:7 ret:e00002c2 ‘-536870206’)

      1. blankDavidM

        I solved the infinite boot loop by selecting the correct CPU spoof:
        For some host systems eg those with Haswell and newer CPUs, you might have to spoof an older CPU to avoid VirtualBox errors. You can try from one of the following if this happens:

        To spoof Lynnfield i5 750 CPU

        VBoxManage.exe modifyvm “El_Capitan” –cpuidset 00000001 000106e5 06100800 0098e3fd bfebfbff

        To spoof IvyBridge CPU

        VBoxManage.exe modifyvm “El_Capitan” –cpuidset 00000001 000306a9 04100800 7fbae3ff bfebfbff


        VBoxManage.exe modifyvm “El_Capitan” –cpuidset 00000001 000306a9 00020800 80000201 178bfbff

        My environment:
        Windows 7 with 4 Gb ram and 2 core Intel Celeron E3300 2.5Ghz
        VirtualBox 5.0.40

        When I applied: VBoxManage.exe modifyvm “Mac OS X” –cpuidset 00000001 000306a9 00020800 80000201 178bfbff
        + all the other changes:
        VBoxManage setextradata “Mac OS X” “VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemProduct” “iMac11,3”

        VBoxManage setextradata “Mac OS X” “VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVersion” “1.0”

        VBoxManage setextradata “Mac OS X” “VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBoardProduct” “Iloveapple”

        VBoxManage setextradata “Mac OS X” “VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/DeviceKey” “ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontsteal(c)AppleComputerInc”

        VBoxManage setextradata “Mac OS X” “VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/GetKeyFromRealSMC” 1

        it worked and stopped looping on boot.
        NB I tried on another machine but didn’t work cos of the AMD processor – only works with Intel processors

      2. blankMaria

        I used version MacOS 10.12 Sierra (64-bit) with host Windows 10 and intel i3. Initial install went well, I applied some updates in apple store (10.12.6) which required restart, upon selecting restart (after the updates had finished downloading in apple store) I faced this:

      1. blankKetiv

        I have the same problem.
        my host: HP Probook 4340s – W10 64b – 8GB,
        my guest: OS Sierra on Virtualbox v.5.1.10 (I try it also on 5.0.28)

        waiting for DSMOS…
        HID:legacy shim 2
        unexpected session: 100000 uid: -1 requested by:30
        appleKeyStore: operation failed (pid:30 sel:7 ret:e00002c2 ‘-536870206’)

        At least reboot, and still the same.

  62. blankarmang01 Reply

    So I’ve gotten through the CMD portion and once i finished and went to start the VB, there were many warnings/errors that occurred which didn’t allow for the Virtual Box to actually start. I went through the settings and CMD lines again to make sure i didn’t make any mistakes but the same issues occurred during startup.

  63. blankKiru Reply

    Hi there,

    My problem is this: I loaded up the VM and had only a black screen. I made sure it was connected to the virtual harddrive that I downloaded, and then I noticed this page, to increase the video memory to 128mb. I did this, and now I have this error on startup that crashes the VM:

    The log that it gives me is this:

    Any idea what I could try next to fix this?

    1. blankFaiz Orz Reply

      You may not select the VMDK files of Mac OS X El Capitan or missed any step. I suggest you to delete this VM and once again install it, so carefully by the article.

      1. blankKiru

        Thanks, just finished doing that – made sure to follow every step exactly, but unfortunately I still have the same problem.

      2. blankFaiz Orz

        There are many reasons that it’s not working on your PC, may the VT technology is disabled from your BIOS settings or You system is based on AMD. Let us know, if all are alright but again it’s not working.

      3. blankAlex

        hi, I have a personal computer with the processor AMD, it means that I won’t be able to establish macOS sierra to myself?

      1. blankCristian

        Hi, I had the same problem, but I just change to Version (Mac OSX (64 Bit)), I didn’t used mac.. Sierra or Yosemithe.

  64. blankDongbin Suh Reply

    I have tried every method you have mentioned here, But I could not solve the error.

    VBoxManage.exe: error: Could not find a registered machine named ‘Mac OS X El Capitan’
    VBoxManage.exe: error: Details: code VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND (0x80bb0001), component VirtualBoxWrap, interface IVirtualBox, callee IUnknown
    VBoxManage.exe: error: Context: “FindMachine(Bstr(a->argv[0]).raw(), machine.asOutParam())” at line 486 of file VBoxManageModifyVM.cpp

    Whatever I do, I get the same error message.

    1. blankFaiz Orz Reply

      I think the problem is with your Virtual machine name.
      You didn’t renam the virtualbox code. You should rename the code theny try again.
      For example: If your VM name is Mac OS X El Capitan, you should add it inside virtualbox code.

      1. blankAhmad Sheikh

        Its not the problem with our Virtual machine name, mine is named Capitan, and i replaced it in the code. It NEVER works. Please help.

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