Change Google Chrome Default Theme

Do you get bored of google chrome default theme? If you really don’t want the chrome default theme, so you are in appropriate place. Mostly the hackers and programmers like to change their web browser theme to the dangerous theme. Don’t worry, you can do it too. Before we get started to change google chrome default theme, we must have some introduction to google chrome.

Google chrome is one of the most used browsers in the world of Internet. According to the Wikipedia report, the usage share of web browsers is the proportion, often expressed as a percentage, of visitors to a group of websites that use a particular web browser. Web browser usage share varies from region to region as well as through time. Depending on how “usage share” is defined, the results can vary greatly. In particular, page views versus unique visits will produce different results.

If you would like to change google chrome default theme follow this step by step guide.

Change Google Chrome Default Theme

To look your google chrome web browser beautiful or lovely, you have to change its theme. The fist thing what you are going to do is open up the google chrome web browser. Click at the top right-hand side on the settings.

In the appearance section, choose “Get Themes”. From here, you can get the new theme for your google chrome web browser.

Google Chrome Settings-Get Themes

Google Chrome Settings – Get Themes

Now search for the theme that would like to set for your chrome browser. Once you have found the theme then click on “Free”.

Get Google Chrome Themes

Get Google Chrome Themes

A new window will pop up. You will see the full details of the theme in this window. If you want to read click on the “Review tab”. If you would like to install, simply tap on “Add to chrome”. The theme will be downloaded and you can start using it.

Add to Chrome

Add to Chrome


It’s done now. If you have any question regarding this tutorial, feel free ask us, below this post. Thanks for being with us. You can watch the video here.


Mukhtar Jafari is the founder of He holds certifications as a CISCO Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT) and Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), and has obtained a diploma in IT Networking from TAFE. He is passionate about assisting fellow technology enthusiasts and is thus engaged in part-time work at Through this platform, he shares his expertise and experiences to benefit individuals who are new to the field of information technology.

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